Diploma supplement - del 2

Diploma supplement




Information identifying the qualification



2.1.Name of qualification and (if applicable) title conferred (in original language)


Give the full name of the qualification in the original language(s) as it is styled in the original qualification e.g.  Kandidat nauk, Maîtrise, Diplom, etc. The original name of the qualifications may be transliterated into the alphabet or writing system used for the language in which the Diploma Supplement is issued (e.g. Latin characters for Supplements issued in English or Cyrillic for Supplements issued in Russian).  Indicate if the award confers any nationally accepted title on the holder and what this title is e.g. Doctor, Ingénieur etc, and, if appropriate, a specific professional competence, such as “teacher of French”.  Indicate if the title is protected in law.  If the qualification is a joint degree, this should be indicated.


Navnet på kvalifikasjonen på norsk består av:


Navn på graden + tilleggsbetegnelse.


Fast tekst under navnet på kvalifikasjonen:


The titles høgskolekandidat, bachelor, master, ph.d., cand.med.vet., cand.med., cand. psychol., cand.theol. and dr. philos. are protected by law in Norway.[1]




2.2.Main field(s) of study for the qualification


Show only the major field(s) of study (disciplines) that define the main subject area(s) for the qualification e.g. Politics and History, Human Resources Management, Business Administration, Molecular Biology etc.


Studieområder under 30 studiepoeng føres ikke opp.

Rammeplanbelagte studiers hovedområder listes opp uavhengig av antallet studiepoeng.




2.3.Name and status of awarding institution (in original language)


Indicate the name of the institution awarding the qualification in the original language.  Where a degree is issued jointly by two or more institutions, the names of the institutions issuing the joint degree should be indicated, with indication of the institution at which the major part of the qualification has been obtained, if applicable.


The status of the institution refers above all to whether it has successfully undergone a quality assurance and/or accreditation exercise or procedure, and this should be clearly indicated.  It may also be relevant to give the profile of the institution.  If the provider is transnational or borderless, this should be clearly noted.


As a (fictitious) example, this information could be given in the following form:


“<Name of the institution> is a private non-university institution which has undergone external quality assurance by agency X in <name of the country> in 2003 with satisfactory results”.


Eksempler på tekst:



“Universitetet i Bergen, a public university. The quality assurance system was evaluated and approved by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education in 2007.”


Statlige høgskoler:

“Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag, a public university college. The quality assurance system was evaluated and approved by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education in yyyy.”


Vitenskapelige høgskoler og kunsthøgskoler:

Norges musikkhøgskole, a government-funded specialised higher education institution with programmes of study up to and including the highest level in its respective field.  The quality assurance system was evaluated and approved by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in yyyy.”


Private høgskoler:

Handelshøyskolen BI, a private higher education institution with programmes of study up to and including the highest level in its respective field receiving financial support from the State.  The quality assurance system was evaluated and approved by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education in yyyy results.”


Dette er faste tekster tilpasset det enkelte lærested.  Det er lærestedets ansvar å vedlikeholde årstallet i den faste teksten.




2.4.Name and status of institution admiistering studies (in original language)


This refers to the institution which is responsible for the delivery of the programme.  This is often, but not always, the same as the institution awarding the qualification (see 2.3 above).  Cases are known in which a higher education institution entitles another institution to deliver its programmes and issue its qualifications through a “franchise” or some type of “validation”, “affiliation”, etc.  In some cases that other institution may be located in a different country.  If this is the case it should be indicated here.  If there is a difference between the awarding institution and the institution delivering the programme leading to the qualification indicate the status of both, see 2.3 above.




2.5.Language of instruction/examination


Indicate the language(s) by which the qualification was delivered and examined.


I flere tilfeller har kandidaten fått undervisning på flere språk. Det er ønskelig at dette synliggjøres her.  Noen læresteder vil gi en mer omfattende forklaring om undervisningsspråket og det bør FS undersøke om forklarende tekst kan kunne tilføyes under dette punktet. 



Dersom kandidaten har hatt et utenlandsopphold og han/hun har blitt eksaminert på et annet språk en norsk, bør også dette språket tilføyes her.  Dette forutsetter innpassing i programmet. Opplysning om språket må registreres av saksbehandler samtidig med registrering av godkjenning av eksterne emner.


Det er ved mange steder vanlig at noen emner innenfor studieprogrammet undervises på engelsk.  Dette nevnes i denne seksjonen.


Språkfagene undervises og eksamineres på det språket studiet gjelder, språket bør føres inn her.






[1] Legg merke til egne bestemmmlser angående titlene siv. Ing. og siv.øk.

Publisert 25. feb. 2014 15:21 - Sist endret 29. mars 2022 09:06