Diploma supplement - del 3

Diploma supplement




Information on the level of the qualification



3.1.Level of qualification


Give the precise level of qualification and its place in the specific national educational structure of awards (explained and cross-referenced to the information in section eight).  For countries that have established a national qualifications framework, give the place of the qualification within the national qualifications framework.  The framework itself should be described in point 8.  Include any relevant information on “level indicators” that are nationally devised and recognised and which relate to the qualification.


Eksempler på tekst:

Short cycle/Level 6, Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning

First Cycle/Level 6, Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning

Second Cycle/Level 7, Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning

Third Cycle/Level 8, Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning


Norge selvsertifiserte sitt kvalifikasjonsrammeverk for høyere utdanning (NKR-nivå 6–8) til Bologna-rammeverket (the Framework of Qualifications for the European Higher Education Area, QF-EHEA) i juni 2014. Det innebærer at bachelor og fireårige allmennlærerutdanninger og grunnskolelærerutdanninger er innplassert i første syklus (1st cycle), master og cand.med., cand.psychol., cand.theol. og cand.med.vet. i annen syklus (2nd cycle) og ph.d., dr.philos., program for kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid og ph.d. i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid i tredje syklus (3rd cycle).

Henvisningen av nivåene i Nasjonalt kvalifikasjonsrammeverk for livslang læring (NKR) til the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF)  ble fastsatt av Kunnskapsdepartementet 6. mai 2014 og lagt frem for og godkjent i EQF Advisory Group i møtet 4.–5. juni 2014. NKR og henvisningen til EQF ble forskriftsfestet i 2017. I forskriftens § 7 annet ledd står «Fastsatt henvisning til nivå i EQF kan føres på tillegg til vitnemål eller annen dokumentasjon på kvalifikasjoner (som for eksempel Europass Certificate Supplement eller Diploma Supplement).


3.2.Official length of the programme


Explain the official duration or workload of the programme in weeks or years and the actual workload including information on any major sub-components i.e. practical training.  Preferably, the workload should be expressed in terms of total student effort required.  This consists of the normal designated time on the programme including taught classes and private study, examinations etc.  Where possible, the effort should be described in terms of credit, and the credit system should be described.  European countries should translate the workload required for the qualification into the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation (ECTS).


Eksempler på tekst:


  • 1 year in full-time mode (60 ECTS credits)
  • 3 years in full-time mode (180 ECTS credits)
  • 4 years in full-time mode (240 ECTS credits)
  • 2 years in full-time mode (120 ECTS credits)
  • 1 ½ years in full-time mode (90 ECTS credits)
  • 4 years in part-time mode (120 ECTS credits)
  • 5 years (one-tier) in full-time mode (300 ECTS credits)
  • 5 ½ years in full-time mode (330 ECTS credits)
  • 6 years (one-tier) in full-time mode (360 ECTS credits)


3.3.Access reuirements


List or explain the nature and length or workload of access qualification(s) or periods of study required for access to the programme described by this Diploma Supplement e.g. Matura (for access to a first degree programme) or Bachelor Degree (for access to a second degree programme).  This is particularly important when intermediate studies are a prerequisite to the named qualification.


Eksempler på tekst:


Generell studiekompetanse

Higher Education Entrance Qualification


Spesielle opptakskrav

Specific entrance requirements


For opptak til mastergrad:

3-year bachelor´s degree with specialisation in the master´s programme subject


NB! Dette er et eksempel.  For opptak til erfaringsbasert mastergrad (experience-based master´s degree) må teksten nødvendigvis tilpasses opptakskravene til denne graden.


Eksempel på tekst:


For opptak til ph.d.-program:

To be eligible for admission to doctoral training, the candidate must have completed second cycle. To be admitted to the programme the candidate should provide

- a project description;

- a plan for the required coursework;

- recommendation from at least one academic supervisor and a statement regarding the candidate´s proposed affiliation with an active research group.


NB! En tekst om opptakskrav til ph.d.-programmene kan diskuteres lokalt. Overfor er ett eksempel sakset fra UHRs veiledning i forbindelse med doktorgraden.  Noen av lærestedene har behov for flere varianter.



Publisert 25. feb. 2014 15:21 - Sist endret 23. mai 2023 16:18